Maria Sigma – Weaving The art of Sustainable Texitile Creation


Dit boek dat geschreven is door Maria Sigma kan als inspiratie dienen als je n?g duurzamer met je handwerk bezig wilt zijn. Maria hanteert een “Zero waste” (geen afval) richtlijn in haar ontwerpproces en leert je hoe ze dat doet aan de hand van zeven weefprojecten waarbij ze je aan de hand neemt.

Het boek is Engelstalig

Full colour en hardcover

Pages 175


1 op voorraad

Artikelnummer: B72000 Categorie:


Engelse boekomschrijving:

Zero waste is key to Maria Sigma’s renowned weaving designs, and here she shows beginners-and more-accomplished weavers too-how that philosophy can transform what you weave. Enjoy learning the basics of both frame loom and band weaving and succeed at seven guided projects you’ll enjoy adding to your home and wardrobe, while also learning how Sigma has built her practice on sustainability.

“Without our attention on the materials and process and how they relate to the world, no design is at its best.”

She shows how to consider the environmental impact at every stage of the design and making process, as well as within your daily work environment and studio space. Learn ways to decrease yarn waste and avoid unnecessary cuts, as well as how to consider carbon footprints in terms of your use of machines, water, and petroleum-sourced energy. With this guide, you can make handweaving an even more sustainable craft.

(tekst from Maria’s page:


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