Deer instructional video

Welcome to our step-by-step instructional video for the 'Deer' needle felting kit! In this video, we take you through the fascinating process of needle felting, from start to finish. Whether you're a beginner or want to hone your felting skills, this set will teach you how to bring a cute little deer to life.

What You Learn:

  • Shaping the Skeleton: We start by making the deer's skeleton using pipe cleaners. This is an essential base for your felt creation.
  • Felting Techniques: You will then learn to shape and felt the wool to give the little deer shape and texture.
  • Add details: Finally, we show you how to apply details for a natural and lifelike look with our soft Bhedawool.


Everything you need can be found in your needle felting kit: pipe cleaners, Bhedawool, and the essential tools.

Grab your materials and follow our expert as you learn, create and eventually add a charming little deer to your collection. The serenity of nature awaits you in this creative journey. Let's get started!