Privacy Policy

Meaningful Crafts Exploitatie b.v. h.o.d.n. Meaningful Crafts, meervilt!, Big Wool, De Witte Engel

version 2.4 – effective date 31 May 2019

We only process the data we need to perform and improve our services and treat the information we have collected about you and your use of our services with care. We never make your data available to third parties. This privacy policy applies to the use of the website and the services of Meaningful Crafts. The effective date for the validity of these terms is stated above. With the publication of this version, the validity of all previous versions expires. This privacy policy describes what data about you is collected by us, what this data is used for, how long it is retained and with whom and under what conditions, if any, this data may be shared with third parties. We also explain to you how we store your data, how we protect your data against misuse and what rights you have in relation to the personal data you provide to us. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact our contact person for privacy matters; you will find the contact details at the end of our privacy policy.

Web store software and web hosting

Our web store has been developed with software from WordPress and Woocommerce, we use Webjongens for our web hosting. The personal data that you make available to us when you place an order in our web store are stored in a database on a Webjongens server and are therefore automatically shared with this party by definition. Webjongens has access to this data to offer us (technical) support; they will never use your data for any other purpose. Webjongens and we have taken appropriate security measures to prevent misuse, loss and corruption of data as much as possible, such as the use of SSL encryption and a strong password policy. Backups are regularly made to prevent data loss. As a result, and due to the fact that sensitive data such as bank numbers and passwords are not processed, we consider the risk of processing this personal data to be low.


We purchase e-mail services from Webjongens and Artifex Media. Mails and newsletters that you receive from are sent via the servers of one of these companies. They process personal data on our behalf and do not use your data for their own purposes. However, these parties can collect metadata about the use of the services. These are not personal data. Your personal data is stored securely by Webjongens and Artifex Media. Webboys and Artifex Media can use meta-data from our e-mails to further improve the service and in that context share information with third parties. These parties have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent misuse, loss and corruption of your and our data as much as possible. Webjongens and Artifex Media have no access to our mailboxes and we treat all our e-mail traffic confidentially. We think the risk of processing this personal data is low.


If you place an order in our web store and at least specify your name and e-mail address, we will include your data in our customer base and therefore automatically in the mail file for our newsletter. You may also have asked to send our newsletter by registering on our website. You will then receive an automatic confirmation of your registration. Your e-mail address is then entered by us in our contact database and visually checked by our person in charge of privacy matters. In principle, our newsletter is sent once a month at most. Only in very special cases will we exceptionally decide to send an extra newsletter. Our newsletter contains information that is important for customers of Meaningful Crafts: changes to our company information and organization, news about our activities, product information, special offers, shop opening times, announcements of workshops, courses and events. At the bottom of every newsletter that we send you see a so-called “unsubscribe” link. If you click on this, you will no longer receive newsletters from us. We think the risk of processing this personal data is low.

Payment processors

We use the platform of payment processor Mollie to handle payments in our (web) shop. We also use ING Bank for bank transfers. We do not accept payments with credit cards. Our payment processors can process the following personal data: name, address, zip code, city, country, e-mail address, order number, content of the order, total amount of the order, IP address and of course your payment details such as payment method and account number. The payment processors have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. The payment processors reserve the right to use your data to further improve the service and to share anonymized data with third parties in this context. All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of the service provided by the payment processors for which they engage third parties. The payment processors do not store your data for longer than is permitted by law. We consider the risk of processing this personal data to be average.

Shipping and logistics

When you place an order with us, you usually want us to have it delivered to you. We use the services of different shipping companies to carry out the deliveries, such as DHL, PostNL, DPD, UPS. We engage these shipping companies via the Parcel Service Online platform. Parcel service Online has concluded processing agreements with the shipping companies for this. To execute a shipping agreement, it is necessary for Parcel Service Online to share your name, address, city details, e-mail address and the relevant order number with these companies. We have given permission for this to Parcel Service Online. Sometimes we also have to share instructions given by you with Parcel Service Online and the shipping companies to enable correct delivery. They only use this data for the purpose of performing the agreement. Parcel service Online has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of the services for which Parcel Service Online engages third parties. In the event that the shipping companies also call in subcontractors, they will also make your data available to these parties. We think the risk of processing this personal data is low.


To keep track of our order and relationship administration, we use software developed in-house on the basis of a well-secured database system. We use the customer data stored therein exclusively for our own services. This means that the purpose of the processing is always directly related to the order that you place with us or the order that you give us or, more generally, to the fact that you are a customer with us. We thereby record the following data: (company) name, contact person (s), gender for address (s), address (s), zip code (s), city (s), country (s), e -mail address (s), telephone number (s), url of your website (s) and / or other presentation (s) on the internet, customer number (s), order number (s), invoice number (s), content of your order (s) ), total amount (s) of your order (s), information about price agreements and discounts, payment term (s), payment method (s), shipping method (s), correspondence (s) and related attachments and files, your interest in certain products , history of mailings sent to you, possibly your VAT number and Chamber of Commerce or KPB number, date and time of first entry and last processing of your data, details and instructions that are important for the execution of your orders and maintenance of the contact. We do not store your IP address (s) and account number (s). This data is stored on our own internal server and can only be accessed and edited by our own employees within our own network. These are required to maintain confidentiality and they will treat your data confidentially. Your information will not be shared with third parties, other than to meet accounting and other administrative obligations. These third parties are all held to confidentiality on the basis of the agreement between them and us or an oath or legal obligation. Backups are regularly made to prevent data loss. We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent misuse, loss and corruption of data as much as possible. We think the risk of processing this personal data is low.

Automatically collected data

Data that is automatically collected by the web server of our website (log files) is processed for the purpose of gaining insight into the functioning of our website and to further improve our services. This data (for example your IP address, web browser and operating system) is not personal data. We think the risk of processing this data is very low.

Cooperation with tax and criminal investigations

Where appropriate, Meaningful Crafts may be required by law to share your data in connection with government tax or criminal investigations. In such a case, we are forced to share your data, but we will oppose this within the possibilities provided by law.

Retention periods

In principle, we store your data and some backups thereof indefinitely. We do this to have the data about previous orders and (product) questions from our customers at hand, even after a longer period of time. Practice shows that many customers really appreciate that we have this information ready. However, if you explicitly let us know that you want your data removed from our file, we will of course do this. If you indicate this to us, we will also regard this as a request to forget. In that case, we will delete or anonymize your data. Please keep in mind that, on the basis of applicable administrative obligations, we must keep invoices with your (personal) data for as long as the applicable term runs. In practice, this means that we have to keep invoices for 7 years. We then store these invoices as a PDF file and furthermore remove all your other data from our file, or anonymize them, unless they also fall under a statutory retention period.

Your rights

On the basis of the applicable Dutch and European legislation, you as a data subject have certain rights with regard to the personal data processed by or on behalf of us. We explain below what these rights are and how you can invoke these rights. You have the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority at any time if you suspect that we are using your personal data in the wrong way.

Customer ratings 

We collect customer reviews (reviews) via the WebwinkelKeur platform. If you leave a review via WebwinkelKeur then you must provide a name and your e-mail address. Optionally you can state the order number to which the assessment relates. WebwinkelKeur shares this information with us, so that we can display the assessment on our website, for example. WebwinkelKeur also publishes the name you entered on its own website. In some cases WebwinkelKeur can contact you to provide an explanation of your assessment. WebwinkelKeur has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. WebwinkelKeur reserves the right to engage third parties for the purpose of providing the services, for which we have given WebwinkelKeur permission. All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data are equally

Right of inspection

You always have the right to view the data that we (have) process and that relate to you or that can be traced to that. You can make a request to that effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a copy of all data with an overview of the processors who have this data in their possession. In principle, in order to prevent abuse, we will only send copies and copies of your data to your e-mail address already known to us. In the event that you wish to receive the data at a different e-mail address or, for example, by post, we may ask you to identify yourself. We keep records of processed requests; in the case of a forget request we will administer anonymized data. You will receive all copies and copies of data in the machine-readable data format that we use within our systems.

Rectification right

You always have the right to have the data that we (or have it processed) that relate to your person or that can be traced to that change. You can make a request to that effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation at the e-mail address known to us that the information has been changed. With regard to the right of inspection and the right of rectification, after making an appointment you are welcome to view your own data at our office and have it corrected if necessary.

Right to limit processing

You always have the right to limit the data that we process or have processed that relate to you or that can be traced to it. You can make a request to that effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation at the e-mail address known to us that the data will no longer be processed until you remove the restriction.

Right to transferability

You always have the right to have the data that we (or have it processed) that relate to your person or that can be traced to that data carried out by another party. You can make a request to that effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you copies or copies of all data about you that we have processed or that have been processed on our behalf by other processors or third parties at the e-mail address known to us. In all likelihood, we can no longer continue to provide services in such a case.

Right of objection and other rights

In appropriate cases you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by or on behalf of Meaningful Crafts. If you object, we will immediately cease data processing pending the handling of your objection. If your objection is well-founded, we will make copies and / or copies of data that we process or have processed processed available to you and then permanently cease processing. You also have the right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making or profiling. However, we do not process your data in such a way that this right applies. If you believe that this is the case, please contact our contact person for privacy matters.


view our cookie policy here

Changes to Privacy Policy We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time. You will always find the most recent version on this page.

Contact details

Meaningful Crafts 
Orphanland 1
1791 AZ Den Burg (Texel)
Phone 0222 31 36 44
Contact person Privacy: Meilon van Abs