Cactus needle felting

Bit irritable today? Thirsty? Walking through a wasteland of loneliness? You are not alone! Now felt these happy cacti! These happy cacti share your misery and spread woolly well-being! In this article, we tell you how to needle-felt cacti!

The happy felted cacti


((You can rotate the cacti by clicking and dragging!))



Enough joking around! We advise you to felt these cacti with or for your loved ones during this time of social isolation* We all need fun activities, so be the thorn in the side of wool and dry felt this easy project! This project is suitable to do with children from 8 years and up. Just make sure you pay close attention that they prick neatly straight up and down and away from their hands, a felting needle is sharp! Of course we'd love to see what you make of it, whether it's alien cacti, insects, birds or flowers, we're incredibly interested in your creative expressions so please share them with us at Insta or Facebook. Also, be sure to share this article with people you think could use a creative boost! *This article was written during the Corona virus pandemic in 2020

Needed to felt cacti

Felt needle we recommend the 332 to.

Punch mat

Choose your own pigments out or buy a few colours at once with our Bheda wool assortments collection!

How do you felt the cacti?

Cactus felting instruction video

Watch a video here in which we show you how to felt these cacti! Below is also a step-by-step explanation with pictures. If you like the video please subscribe to us Youtube Channel so that you are always the first to know about our new videos!


Illustrated step-by-step instructions for felting cacti

Below is our step-by-step guide to felting cacti. If you have any tips or questions about this article, please let us know. We are always interested in your feedback and would love to learn how to do it even better! This is only possible with your feedback!

felting supplies, cactus needle felting part 1

1 Use a Eco Punch Mat as a background and a felt needle.

felting needle with barbs cactus needle felting part 2

2 A felting needle is fragile because there are barbs/notches in the needle. These are used to felt the wool.

needle felting neat up and down, cactus needle felting part 3

3 Make sure you prick neatly straight up and down. This makes the needle less likely to break!

pulling wool apart, needle felting cactus part 4

4 Roll out a ball of Mini-Bheda wool and pull a piece apart. With wool, if you have your hands close together when pulling wool apart, the wool is very strong. Therefore, put your hands further apart when pulling it apart.

rolling up wool, needle felting cactus part 5

5 Roll a piece of wool into a 6 cm roll.

rolling up wool, needle felting cactus part 6

6 Prick the wool together with the felting needle. Leave one side unfelted.

reversing, cactus needle felting part 7

7 Pull the wool off the mat and spin it around.

making arms, needle felting cactus part 8

8 Repeat the steps above to make two more cactus arms,

attaching arms, needle felting cactus part 10

9 Use the needle to felt the arms to the rest of the cactus. Then you can finish the cactus with the needle.

pinning pot cactus needle felting part 11

10 Take a piece of brown wool and roll it around the bottom of the cactus. Needle-felt the pot around the cactus.

Ready, cactus needle felting part 12


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